Health & Safety
Are Immunizations Required?
The short answer is YES. Under a strict law, SB277, families will no longer have the option of claiming exemption from California vaccination requirements based on personal beliefs. As of July 1, 2016, all children must be fully immunized before enrolling in ANY public or private school or daycare. Please note that no student will be allowed to attend The Child’s Primary School (or any other public, private or charter school in California) if they do not meet California vaccination requirements—this is the law. Children with medical conditions, who meet specific criteria, may be exempt but must follow very specific process to gain this exemption. Learn more about California immunization requirements and medical exemptions at the buttons below:
California Immunization Requirements
View information on immunization requirements for school districts and child care facilities in California.
California Immunization Medical Exemption Info
View California’s immunization medical exemption FAQs at the button below.
Balancing Health and Safety with Social Development
One of the most important reasons for children to attend school in person is the opportunity for social-emotional learning with peers. This is why over the last several years we took extra steps to enable our students to enjoy the benefits of social interaction and cross-age groupings while remaining mindful of health. We are committed to following school health and safety requirements put forth by the County, as needed.
At TCPS we prioritize the health and well-being of our students, families and staff, while remaining true to our educational mission to offer a nurturing, challenging, interactive learning environment.
What Parents Said About Our Commitment to Students
Have Questions?
For more information about health and safety at TCPS, please contact our administration office.