Volunteer at TCPS
Volunteer Opportunities
Our tight-knit community is a large component of what makes The Childβs Primary School (TCPS) so special. Volunteering your time and your talents is a very valuable gift that you can give to TCPS and our students. TCPS volunteer opportunities can be completed by current parents, alumni, alumni families, grandparents and other TCPS supporters.
Learn more about our volunteer opportunities below or by logging into the announcements section of the Family Portal.
Field Trips &
Volunteer on campus or as a field trip chaperone. Duties may include assisting in the classroom, library, admissions office or other on-campus facilities.
at Events
Help make our events a success. Volunteers are often needed for planning, set-up, booths, vendors, donations, and clean-up at our Halloween Carnival, Jogathon, Gala, Auction, and Teacher Appreciation Week and other events.
Share Your
Share your knowledge by volunteering in the classroom as a speaker/presenter or providing lessons in art, science or another field of your expertise.

Stay Updated
Sign up for our weekly email, the Tuesday Notice, for Current Volunteer Opportunities!
Log Your Volunteer Hours
Parent volunteer hours are self-reported and logged into the Family Portal.
Once you log into the portal, from the left menu choose Family Information and then under the Service Hours tab at the top of the screen.